FEMA Map Revisions and Floodplain Analysis

FEMA has prepared floodplain maps and developed floodplain hazard data for most communities in the country. These maps are called Federal Insurance Rate Maps or FIRMs. Communities, states and Federal agencies use FIRMs as the basis for regulating new flood-prone construction. Insurance agents use them when rating flood insurance policies, and lenders and Federal agencies used them to determine when flood insurance must be purchased as a condition of a loan or financial assistance.
Many homes that were once considered out of a flood hazard area are now determined to be in the flood hazard area based on new updated FIRM mapping. Homeowners are being notified that their homes are in these flood hazard areas, and lending institutions are mandating that owners purchase Flood Hazard Insurance. Many communities located in southeastern Pennsylvania are within areas designated as Zone A. In these Zone A areas, floodplains are “approximated” by FEMA and can vary significantly from actual conditions. JMR Engineering can perform detailed topographical survey along with hydrologic and hydraulic modeling to more accurately delineate the floodplain and potentially remove the insurance mandate.
JMR Engineering has years of experience in performing floodplain studies in southeastern PA including Chester County, Delaware County, Philadelphia County, Montgomery County, and Bucks County, and determining whether or not homes and other structures are located within a flood hazard area. Many property owners are benefiting from JMR’s expertise in performing Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) studies which may completely remove their homes from the flood hazard area. With an approved LOMA issued by FEMA, lending institutions may remove the requirement for homeowners to purchase flood hazard insurance.
Our FEMA and Floodplain services include:
- Floodplain / Floodway Modeling and Delineation
- FEMA Flood Insurance Elevation Certificates
- FEMA Floodplain Letters of Map Change (LOMC)
- Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA)
- Letter of Map Revision (LOMR)
- Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill (LOMR-F)
- Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR)
- Conditional Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill (CLOMR-F)
- Floodplain Development Impacts and Permitting
- Hydraulic Analyses
- Culvert Analyses for Floodplain Impacts
For more information, contact: Matt Bush, PE
Office: 484-880-7342 ext. 102, email: [email protected]