PennDOT Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP)
A Highway Occupancy Permit (HOP) or Entrance Permit is required by the Department of Transportation (DOT) whenever work is being proposed in the right-of-way of a State Road. Work that typically requires a permit includes: adding or modifying an access point (driveway), changing the use of the site or traffic volumes, or utility work. JMR Engineering specializes in working with both the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and the Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT). JMR has over 15 years experience obtaining HOPs for clients in the southeastern PA and Delaware region and have established working relationships with the Department of Transportation to facilitate permit issuance and resolve any design issues in a timely manner.
JMR Engineering Highway Occupancy Permit services include:
- Minimum Use Driveway Permits
- ePermitting System (EPS) and Entrance Permit System Administration
- Speed Studies
- Sight Distance Evaluations
- Stormwater Management Design
- ADA Ramp Design (Link to ADA page)
- Road Profiling
- Road Cross Sections
- Paving Specifications
- Construction Plans
- Pedestrian Studies
- Pavement Marking and Signing Plans
- Traffic Control Plans
- Detour Plans
- Right-of-Way Plans
For more information, contact: Matthew Bush, PE
Office: 484-880-7342 ext. 102, email: [email protected]